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Friday, March 22, 2013

Do You Remember? #FMF


After 18 years together, My Man and I, we say that a lot....  

Do you remember...?

-how sunny it was before and then the massive amount snowfall after, on our wedding day?

-the way we tried to sneak off early in the morning to deliver our first babe?

-or how only 11 weeks later we packed up everything we owned and move 2000 miles away?

-or how we moved back home only weeks before the birth of baby #2?

-or how we moved 9 times in 8 years?

-or how many job transitions it took to find out we should run our own business?

-or how about home-, private-, public- and even charter-schooling our kids?

And through it all - Do you remember how incredibly faithful God has been?  

How we have never lacked for anything?

I remember...

Linking up with Five Minute Friday


The Donley's said...

Hello 5-minute Friday Friend. I love your post; I have only been married for 5 1/2 years, but hope to be able to look back as fondly as you can at 18 years.
God Bless!

Kristin said...

So beautiful Lori! A lot can happen in 18 years can't it? Love that you are dwelling on God's faithfulness in it all.

So looking forward to getting to know you more.
