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Friday, September 7, 2012

Graceful {FMF}

Graceful is Dollie, when she straps on her dance shoes and spins, leaps and turns.

That is not me.

I press, and push my way through the things of life.  Mostly, not graceful.

But when I turn the word around I see full-of-grace.  Now that, I can relate to.  Not my grace, but HIS!

I taught a small group study last spring and it focused around grace - and the definition we used was:

"God's free empowerment that gives us the ability to go beyond our natural ability."

That's graceful...doing the things leaps, turns a spins of daily life, empowered by His grace.  In His strength alone.

That I can do...or at least try...thanking Him for a new measure of His grace, everyday...


Linking up with Lisa Jo @ Five Minute Friday


Jennifer said...

Hi -
Found you through the link up today! I LOVE how you turned graceful around to read full of grace. That is a beautiful thing - full of God's grace for us! Love it!


Larri said...

I love how you pirouetted graceful around to full of grace. :) His grace is immeasurable, isn't it? I'm thankful for it...and you. Happy Friday, friend! :)

BARBIE said...

I shared about being full of His grace for my 5MF write as well. I cannot be graceful on my own. I need His help. Have a blessed day!