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Monday, January 14, 2013

Do You Dare? {#PrayerDare}

Hey Friends!
I'm so excited!  I am working with a a group of women to launch #PrayerDare under the leadership of Amanda over at A Royal Daughter!  It is a project that holds so much promise in the way of changing our lives as we pray on a daily basis, the lives of those we are praying for on a daily basis, and also the community we are accountable to, on a daily basis! Amanda has written a beautiful introduction she has asked each of us to post, so I'll let her do the rest of the 'splainin....

Hi y'all. My name is Amanda and I blog at A Royal Daughter. I'm really not here to talk about me, so if you want to know more, head on over to my little space on the internet and say hi!

I've been working with a handful of amazing, godly, praying women, and together we are excited to announce the launch of a brand new, year-long community initiative: #PrayerDare

What is #PrayerDare?

#PrayerDare is: an online community initiative with the goal of equipping, encouraging, and holding women accountable to practice the daily discipline of prayer. Each month, the #PrayerDare community will dedicate the entire month to praying for a specific topic. #PrayerDare will launch on February 1, and we'll be spending the "month of love" praying for our husbands*.

*For those of you who are not married, PLEASE don't feel excluded. In fact, we want to extend a special invitation for you to join us one of two ways:

1. Join us by spending 28 days praying for a man in your life who holds special importance, but is married to someone else. We're talking about guys like your dad, brother, pastor, or maybe even your best friend's husband. The point is, they need to be prayed for, and there's nothing that says it can't be you praying for them. 

2. If you do not feel called to singleness, why don't you consider joining us by spending 28 days praying for your future husband? We know that God's not bound by time or circumstances, and spending a month praying for your future husband is probably one of the best things you can be doing for your future relationship.

All the Single Ladies....

...please join us!

The first goal of #PrayerDare is to equip women to practice the daily discipline of prayer. On February 1 we will be providing free downloadable prayer cards on aroyaldaughter.com. The prayer cards are intended to serve two purposes:

1. A daily reminder - After downloading the prayer cards (they will be available in black & white and in color), print them, cut them out, and place them somewhere in your home where they will serve as a daily reminder to spend some intentional, quality time in prayer. Maybe you can put them on your refrigerator, or bathroom mirror. Or you can put them in your Bible or quiet time journal. Just don't put them in file 13. They're no help in file 13. 

2. A daily guide - The Lord told us that His Word will not return unto Him void (Isaiah 55:11). Each prayer card will offer a concise and specific prayer that is based on the Word of God. The prayers that we've written are meant to guide you as you begin (or continue!) to practice the daily discipline of prayer. We'd recommend writing your own prayers, or prayer requests, on the back of each card. They will serve as a sort of testimony to your prayer life, and will allow you to go back and see how God has answered your prayers.

Our second goal is to encourage women to practice the daily discipline of prayer. We'll be building our community of praying women primarily on Twitter and Instagram, using the hashtag #PrayerDare. Following the #PrayerDare hashtag is an easy way to connect online without having to get involved in another website or follow another blog. We know you're busy, so are we! But we're not too busy to spend a few minutes each day praying, and then connecting online and encouraging others to join us.

Our third goal is to hold women accountable to practice the daily discipline of prayer. This is the doozie, right? We think that having someone (or a few hundred someones) holding us accountable is exactly what a lot of us need. So how are we going to do that?

Using the hashtag #PrayerDare, we want you to check in with the community every day. You can tweet, "Hey #PrayerDare sisters! I'm just checking in - have a great day!" or you can be more specific: "I love teaching my kiddos how to pray for their daddy. #PrayerDare" <--- It doesn't matter how you check in, just that you do. And here's where it gets real good, friends. Our idea is that if you miss a day or two or three, someone is going to notice. And it's their responsibility to reach out to you and make sure you're okay.

Did you see that? In order for #PrayerDare to work, each and everyone of us has to take responsibility. We have to be responsible for ourselves: that we check in each day. But we also have to be responsible for others. We need to be actively encouraging other women to pray, and reaching out to them if they slack off. And we need to do it with loads and loads and loads of grace. 

I'm not on Twitter or Instagram, how can I connect?
We've created a Facebook page for #Prayer Dare. However, please keep in mind that the primary location of the community will be happening on Twitter and Instagram. So if find yourself on the Facebook page, you might find yourself in a leadership role right away! Feel free to take the reigns and get that community growing!

How do I follow a hashtag?
You can't actually follow a hashtag, so we'd recommend a two-fold system to stay in touch with each other:

1. Search for the hashtag #PrayerDare.
2. Create a list on Twitter for #PrayerDare. As you see new people in the community, add them to your #PrayerDare list. 

How will I find people in the community?
Well, you can start tweeting and using the #PrayerDare hashtag! Get the word out there, we don't mind! And on February 1 we'll be hosting a link-up so all those who want to be a part of the #PrayerDare community can link up their Twitter or Instagram accounts. That will be a quick and easy way to make connections!

I'm not really active online, how can I participate?
While the original idea of #PrayerDare was to be an online-community, we DO NOT want to exclude those of you who aren't very active in the virtual world. You are more than welcome to print off the prayer cards. In fact, print as many as you want as often as you want. You can even use them to start your own #PrayerDare community in your local church, MOPS group, gym...you get the idea. The point is: if you do not want to be a part of the online community, make it happen in your own personal sphere of influence.  

Can we share prayer requests?
Yes! In fact, if you're comfortable sharing prayer requests, please do. You'll have at your fingertips a whole community of women who will be able to pray for you at a moment's notice. You might want to take advantage of that!

How can I get the word out?
We're glad you asked! Start tweeting using our official hashtag, and it would be super helpful to point your followers to this post. Feel free to share in any way your heart desires. If you plan to join us, you can also put our badge on your website or blog. 

A Royal Daughter
<div align="center"><a href="http://www.aroyaldaughter.com/prayerdare/" title="A Royal Daughter"><img src="http://i1227.photobucket.com/albums/ee423/RoyalDaughterDesigns/200X200Button-5.png" alt="A Royal Daughter" style="border:none;" /></a></div>
If you have any questions that haven't already been answered, please contact us!

We can't wait to see you on February 1!

So what do you think?  Wanna join us?  We'd love to have you!
Intentional 150

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